Muhammad listening to the Archangel Gabriel


(Please refer to my previous submissions dated 29.9.2016 & 20.11.2016 - copy enclosed)
(Please find also my "CHRISTIANITY OR ISLAM" which might also serve as a summary of my appeal to you.)

To Pope Francis
Apostolic Palace
Vatican City 00120

The Chair of St Peter the Apostle

Your Holiness,

I write to you again, not having received any acknowledgement from you regarding my previous correspondences to you.

Nevertheless, I press on, convinced as I am, of the desperate need for an authoritative Universal Address to be delivered to the World to expose the fundamental flaws which have existed in the very root of Islam from the time of its inception, with its lies, deceptions and delusions sown into the mind of a vulnerable Muhammad by his Satanic 'archangel-impersonator' of the Archangel Gabriel.

Now, is the time in the world's history, to expose this false doctrinal ideology which is having such a destabilising and horrifically destructive influence in so many places throughout the world.

Its culture is such that it cannot and will not integrate itself into Western Democratic societies. It is singularly Islamic, and it uses the freedoms democracies afford it, to grow its infrastructures with its ultimate goal being to bring all societies subject to its Sharia Law.

Please speak to the world. Expose the lies, deceptions and delusions present in the root of the false ideology. The Light of Christ must be brought to shine upon them. It is our duty to do so. Not to do so, is to deny and fail Him who has commissioned us. It is to deny the Muslim the Messiah-truths which alone can set him free from the slavery which has held him bound for fourteen centuries.

Please speak now for the sake of our generation and all who are yet to come. Speak the truths of the Messiah, the world's only Saviour, the only one given to us by Whom we all may realise our salvation; (Acts 4:12) persons of every race, colour, creed and persuasion; our one family.

Peter and the other Apostles and disciples preached the Messiah in the face of all other persuasions.
There is only one Messiah, and not one person shall ever come to the Father, except by Him.

"To this purpose have I raised thee, that I may show my power in thee,
that My Name may be declared throughout all the earth."
(Exodus 9:16; Romans 9:17)

I look forward to hearing your 'Address to the World' in favourable response to my appeal.
I would also appreciate some affirmation that you have indeed received and considered my request.

God love and bless you always.
Thankyou again, in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Alan Mitter